Defend, Detect, Report: Your Cybersecurity Awareness Month Roadmap

Defend, Detect, Report: Your Cybersecurity Awareness Month Roadmap

In a highly digitalized world, a persistent threat that affects all organizations is cybercrime.

According to a recent article published in Infosecurity Magazine, there has been a 47% increase in the number of new victims of ransomware attackers from the second half of 2022. Moreover, the article states that many of those attacked were small organizations that had a not-so-mature mature cyber posture.

October 2023 is the 20th iteration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

In my latest blog, I am exploring a few major steps you can take to maintain your cyber-privacy from prying eyes! But first, let’s see what the month is all about.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

In 2004 the President of the United States and Congress attributed October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This month was dedicated for both public and private sectors to work together to promote awareness on the importance of cybersecurity. October 2023 marks the 20th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Like every year, this year’s theme for Cybersecurity Awareness Month is, “It’s easy to stay safe online.”

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has come up with 4 strategies to stay safe online.

Use Strong Passwords
One of the fundamental pillars of cybersecurity is the use of strong passwords. Your password is often the first line of defense against cyber threats, and a weak one can leave you vulnerable to attacks.

In a blog earlier this year, commemorating World Password Day, I had explored multiple ways to create uncrackable passwords to secure your digital accounts. Let me share a few valuable tips to create a strong password:

  • Use a password that is at least 14 characters long.
  • Use a mix of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Use a unique password for each account.
  • Use a password that does not contain common dictionary words.
  • Avoid using patterns in your passwords.
  • Using a passphrase, which is a longer combination of mismatched words that are easy to remember but hard to guess.
  • Use a password manager to generate and store strong passwords.
  • Change your password every 30 to 45 days.
  • Do not share your passwords with even your closest friends.

Turn on Multifactor Authentication
Passwords alone are no longer sufficient protection against the constantly changing threats of cyberattacks. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has emerged as a powerful ally in the ongoing battle for online security.

MFA is an additional layer of security that goes beyond the traditional username and password. It requires you to provide multiple forms of verification to access your accounts. These verification factors typically fall into one of three categories:

  • Something You Know: This is your usual password or PIN.
  • Something You Have: This can be a mobile device, security token, or smart card.
  • Something You Are: This refers to biometric data like fingerprint or facial recognition.

Recognize and Report Phishing
Phishing attacks remain one of the most common and dangerous cybersecurity threats. Being able to recognize and report phishing attempts is essential for your online safety.

Phishing schemes include links or webpages that look legitimate, but are designed to steal your passwords, your credit card numbers, and other sensitive information. Moreover, these emails aim at getting you to run malware as well. When you get mails from unfamiliar senders or if the mails look in any way suspicious, asking you to click on links, it is sincerely advisable not to click on them. Think before you click.

Update Your Software
Regularly updating your software is a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity, shielding you against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. These updates often contain critical patches and fixes for known security weaknesses, ensuring that cybercriminals can’t exploit them to breach your system.

Enabling automatic updates for your operating system, applications, and even Internet of Things (IoT) devices is a simple yet powerful way to maintain a strong defense against malware, preserve your system’s functionality, and keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.

How Anunta Ensures Cybersecurity for Our Clients

While cybercriminals have their ways to bring an organization to its knees, cybercrime can be beaten, and no organization should accept cyber bullying.

In today’s digitally driven workplaces, solutions like Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), Modern Desktop Management (MDM), and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) are fast becoming a necessity due to their enhanced security features.

On top of their other benefits like enhanced end user experience and anywhere access to critical business applications, DaaS, MDM, and SASE also have a strong focus on strengthening the security posture of your organization. While DaaS reduces endpoint risks because nothing is stored locally, MDM ensures centralized management of devices, including software installs and updates. SASE consolidates network and security services into a unified cloud-based platform, offering consistent protection and visibility for users and applications, regardless of their location.

As a leading provider of digital workplace solutions for over a decade, Anunta has been at the forefront of keeping our clients secure. Apart from our strong solutions portfolio that covers DaaS, MDM, and SASE offerings, we are also a SOC 2, ISO 27001, and ISO 20000 certified organization. We have also adopted ISO 27701 framework for privacy protection.

This will give you greater confidence in our ability to safeguard your data. Reach out to my colleagues in the Marketing Team at and they will help you on how you can partner with us to fortify your digital defense.


Yogesh Yagnik
Yogesh Yagnik

Yogesh Yagnik is the Sr. VP Information Security and Data Protection Officer at Anunta. With over three decades in the industry, he has diverse experience in Information Technology, Information Security, Infrastructure Technology Services, and Project Management across industry verticals and geographies.